born in Palermo (Italy) 11/06/1974
Professor Business Systems and Marketing
University of Palermo –
Faculty of Economics- Dep. SEAS
- 2003 to 2005 –Post Doc Research Assistant in
Marketing of TV advertisement – University of Palermo – Faculty of
Economy- SEAF;
- 2004 - Ph.D, in "Economia e finanza nel governo
dell' impresa" (Economy and Finance for the governance of firms) - "Sapienza"
University of Rome;
- 2003- Visiting Ph.D Student – University of
Nagasaki (JP);
- 2001 - Master in Business Administration - Luiss
- 1999 – Degree in Economia e Commercio (Economy) –
University of Palermo; Score: 110/110 cum laude and special mention.
From 2017 to 2019.
Member of the
board of the Ph.D
program in "Management"
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II .
From 2009 to 2013 - Member of the board of the Ph.D. program in "Economics,Territory
and Development"- SEAF
From 2018 to now - Business Systems. University of Palermo (Italy)
From 2005 to now- Chair of Marketing- Faculty of Economics- University
of Palermo
From 2012 to 2014 - Chair of Process Management . Dep. SEAS - University of
2012- Member of the board for the admission to T.F.A. courses for
abilitation of high school teachers.
From 2011- Member of the board for the admission to postgraduate course in
Business Administration
From 2005 to 2010- Professor of Business Communication - Faculty of
Economics - Graduate School- University of Palermo
From 2005 to 2010- Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management -
Faculty of Economics - Graduate School- University of Palermo
2012 - Professor of Marketing and Sales Excellence Post graduate
course PON01-01287 SIB: - Dep. STEMBIO, Univ. of Palermo;
2012 - Professor of Marketing and Marketing Planning - Post graduate
regional course - Eris Palermo
2012 - Professor of Logistic and distribution - Master GOLOQUA- Faculty of
Agricolture Science - Univ. of Palermo
From 2007 to 2010 - Professor of Marketing and Communications - Master in
Manager of Vine Enterprises (MASV) - Univ. of Palermo
2007 - Professor of Marketing & CRM - Master in Human Resource & Project
2007 - Professor of Operations Management - Master in Human Resource &
Project Management
2007- Professor of Supply Chain Management - Master in Human Resource &
Project Management
2007 - Professor of Industrial Operations Management - Master in
Management of Innovation (EGI)
2006- Professor of Business Finance - University of Palermo - SISSIS
graduate school
From 2005 to now- Professor of Logistics, Operations, Management and
Marketing - University of Palermo - SISSIS graduate school;
2004-2005- Professor of Economy and Management – University of Palermo-
Faculty of Sport Sciences;
2004-2005- Professor of Economy, Management and Marketing - University of
Palermo - SISSIS graduate school;
2001- Lecturer of Financial methods of evaluation at the "Master in
industrial ecology " - CERISDI Palermo.
Editorial activity
Past roles as Editor in Chief:
Kybernetes (October 2016- to December 2024)
International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism
Business Systems Review
(2010 -2014)
CO-EDITOR in Chief
the Horizon: The International Journal of Learning Futures
Systems Research and Behavioral Science (honorary editor)
Journal of Organizational Transformation & Social Change (2012 -2017)
Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
International Journal of Digital Accounting Research
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Palermo (IT) 26-27 Settembre 2011- World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA) - II
Conference: Complexity Systemic Sciences and the Global Energy Agenda. Conference Program Chair
Palermo (IT) 10-11 September 2012 – First Business Systems Laboratory Discussion Meeting
– Conference Program Chair.
Ankara (Turchia) - December 20- 22, 2012 - International Symposium on Chaos,
Complexity and Leadership (ICCLS2012). Member of the Advisory Board.
Valencia (ESP) 24-25- January 2013- International
Symposium - The Economic Crisis: Time for a Paradigm Shift ~
Towards a Systems Approach. Scientific Director.
Wuhan (China) - March 11-13, 2013 - 4th International
Conference on Engineering and Business Management- Board member.
Dubrovnik (Croatia), June 25-27, 2013 -
1st International Conference on Management, Marketing,
Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications (MATREFC '13) -
Keynote Speaker and Member of the Advisory Board.
Dubrovnik (Croatia), 27-29 September 2013, First
Dubrovnik International Economic Meeting (DIEM 2013), Scientific
Conference of Innovative Approaches to the Contemporary Economic
Problems . Member of the Programme Board
Vienna (Austria)- October 7-8, 2013. Autumn meeting of
the Section Sustainability Management of the German Academic Association
for Business Research - Systemic Sustainability Management Complexity,
Resilience and Systems Thinking -Vienna University of Economics and
Business- Invited keynote speaker and Track chair (Track- Strategic
Ankara (Turchia) - December 17- 19, 2013 - Second International Symposium on Chaos,
Complexity and Leadership (ICCLS2013). Invited Keynote speaker.
Roma (Italy) 23-24- January 2014- Second International
Symposium - "Systems Thinking for a Sustainable Economy.
Advancements in Economic and Managerial Theory and Practice".
Scientific Director.
Vienna (Austria) 22- 25 April, 2014 -European Meetings on
Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR) 2014 at the Faculty of Computer
mScience of the University of Vienna - Track chair for the track: "Corporate
Social Responsibility. Multilevel foundations towards a new holistic
framework of CSR and a new concept of economic value." and Member of
the International Programme Committee.
Salerno (Italy) June 3-5, 2014 - 3rd International
Conference on "Energy Systems, Environment, Entreprenurship and
Innovation (ICESEEI '14). Plenary speaker.
Ibagué (Colombia) October 15-17, 2014- Ibaguè
University, Conference of the World Organisation for Systems and
Cybernetics, "Our self-organizing world: from disruption to
reparation Systems and cybernetics applied to technology, design,
governance and power". Member of the Senior Advisory Board.
Valencia (Spain). October 15-17, 2014, Joint
Conference of the World Organisation for Systems and Cybernetics & the
European Union for Systemics. Globalization and Crisis Complexity and
governance of systems. Track chair for the track: "Governance of
production systems and business cybernetics."
Tenerife (Spain). January
10-12, 2015- 3rd
- Invited Keynote Speech: "Corporate
Social Responsibility: Multilevel Foundations towards a New Holistic
Framework and a New Concept of Economic Value"
Perugia, Italy, January
21-23, 2015 - 3rd
Systems Laboratory International Symposium - "Advances
in Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach".
Scientific Director.
Vienna (Austria). June 3-7, 2015 -
The International
Society for Information Studies (ISIS)
of the Sciences of Information" -
Vienna University of Technology Track
chair for the panel on:
Communication, information and reporting for responsible business
Berlin (Germany)
- August 2-7 2015- The 59th Meeting
of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
- "Governing
the Anthropocene: the greatest challenge for systems thinking in
Special Interest Group (track)
chair (with
Louis Klein) : Systems Applications
in Business and Industry.
Napoli (Italy) 29/6 2/7 2016 - 6th
International Conferences on Tourism
(ICOT) - Napoli
Univ. Federico II-
Scientific Committee
Athens (Greece)-
15-16 2016 - 12th
The Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS)
International Conference -
Keynote speaker "Decoding
the recursive dynamics of value cocreation through cybernetics and
systems thinking "
Vilnius, Lithuania, August
24-26, 2016 - 4th
Systems Laboratory International Symposium - "Governing
Business Systems".
Scientific Director.
Palermo, Italy - Summer School in Applied
Content Analysis with Klaus Krippendorff, August 29-31,2016 - Organizing Director
Roma - January 23-24, 2017 - Business Systems Laboraltory-SYDIC
International Workshop Model-based Governance for Smart Organizational
Future - Scientific Director.
Vienna (Austria) 9-14 July, 2017 - TU Wien
(Technical University of Vienna) -61st
Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
- Exploratory Group (EG) "Business Systems Laboratory" - EG
Chairs' Coordinator.
Roma - September 11-12, 2017 - Universitas
Mercatorum - International Workshop:
Marketing and Innovation Strategies for Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs) - Scientific Director
Ankara (Turkey) - October, 14-15, 2017 - TOBB
University of Economics & Technology -The 5th
International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS'17) -
Scientific Committee member.
Napoli (Italy) - January 22-24, 2018 - Università
"Federico II" di Napoli - 5th Business Systems Laboratory
International Symposium "Cocreating
Responsible Futures in the Digital Age: Exploring new paths towards
economic, social and environmental Sustainability"
- Scientific Director
Bucarest (Romania) - October 11-12, 2018 -
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
(SNSPA) - International Conference "STRATEGICA
– Challenging
the Status Quo in Management and Economics" -
Track Chair: "Digital Systems, E-Marketing and Organizational
Pavia , Italy. January 21-23, 2019. Business Systems Laboratory 6th International Symposium. Borders without borders: Systemic frameworks
and their applications for sustainable well-being in the global era.
Scientific Director
Alicante Spain. January 22-24, 2020, Business Systems Laboratory 7th International Symposium, SOCIO-ECONOMIC ECOSYSTEMS: CHALLENGES FOR
Palermo, Italy. January 11-12, 2024, Business Systems Laboratory 8th International Symposium, GREAT RESET: OPPORTUNITY OR THREAT?, Scientific
Varese, Italy, January 23-24, 2025,
Business Systems Laboratory 9th International Symposium,
Technology and Scoiety: Boon or Bane?
- Scientific
Journal Articles:
- 2024.Looking into the new normal after COVID-19
pandemic: leadership styles and job-related affective well-being with
Florina Vintilă, Elena Adriana Biea, Florentina Neamțu. Kybernetes,
- 2024. Connecting smart mobility and car sharing
using a systematic literature review. An outlook using Bibliometrix,
with Elena Madalina Vatamanescu, Victor-Emanuel Ciuciuc , Alexandra
Vițelar, Flavia Gabriela Anghel, Journal of Cleaner Production,Volume
Number: 144333.
- 2024. Unveiling e-learning and knowledge sharing
during the pandemic: From expert skills perception to student
satisfaction, with Dan-Cristian Dabija, Constantin Bratianu and Elena
Madalina Vatamanescu. Technology in Society Volume 77, June 2024, art.
- 2024. Does Experience Matter? Unraveling the Drivers
of Expert and Non-Expert Mobile Consumers. with Simona Venerean and Dan
Cristian Dabija. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce
Research 19(2), 958-974; .
- 2021. Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Universities: Experiences and
Challenges in Digital era (A Systemic Approach) with Ineza Gagnidze.
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 19(1), 13-30, DOI
2020. Conceptual Key Competency Model for Smart Factories in Production
Processes with ndrej JERMAN, Andrej BERTONCELJ, Mirjana PEJIĆ BACH,
Anita TRNAVČEVIĆ; Organizacija, 53 (1): 68-79. DOI:
2020. "Untangling knowledge fields and knowledge dynamics within the
decision-making process." with Bratianu C. , Vatamanescu E. M, Anagnoste
S. Management Decision. DOI 10.1108/MD-05-2019-0559.
2019. "Place brand as an emergent property: The case of Vascitour and
Naples" with Tani M. ,Basile G.Systems Research and Behavioral Science,
37(2): 403-416.,
- 2018. "A relational view of start-up firms inside an
incubator: the case of the ARCA consortium" with Davide Di Fatta and
Francesco Caputo - European Journal of Innovation Management -
Vol. 21 Issue: 4, pp.601-619,
- 2018. "Online Academic Networks as Knowledge Brokers:
The Mediating Role of Organizational Support" -with
Elena-Mădălina Vătămănescu,
Andreia Gabriela Andrei and Patrizia Gazzola - SYSTEMS 6(2), 11.
- 2018. "Knowledge management in cyberphysical systems:
determining the quality requirements for health systems with the Kano
model " with Davide Di Fatta and Vasja Roblek, I. J. of Markets and
Business Systems 3(2): 163-180
- 2017. "The value of a network in the digital era: insights about the Dr.
Chat case study". with Francesco Cupido and Davide di Fatta,
International Jounral of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 8(4):
- 2017. "Decoding the Dynamics of Value Cocreation in
Consumer Tribes: An Agency Theory Approach", With Maurice Yolles and
Francesco Caputo. Cybernetics and Systems, 48(2): 84-101.
- 2016./2017 "Cybernetics of Value Cocreation for Product Development". with
Raul Espejo. Systems Research and Behavioral Science.Vol.34, Issue, pp.
24-40 .
- 2016.
Decoding the XXI Century’s Marketing Shift: An Agency Theory Framework,
with Maurice Yolles. Systems 2016, 4(4), 35; doi:10.3390/systems4040035
- 2016. "A Complex Adaptive Systems view. The Strategic
Planning of the City of Avellino, Italy" With G. Basile & M. Tani.
Systemic Practice and Action Research Vol.29 N.5 pp.469–484.
- 2016. "Small world theory and the World Wide Web:
linking small world properties and website centrality" with Davide Di
Fatta, Francesco Caputo and Federica Evangelista. International Journal
of Markets and Business Systems, Vol. 2, No.2, pp. 126-140.
- 2016.
Understanding the price drivers of successful apps in the mobile app
market with Paolo Roma Int. J. of Electronic Marketing and
Retailing, 2016 Vol.7, No.2, pp.159 - 185.
- 2016. "Choosing Open Innovation Intermediaries through their web-based
platforms" with B. Aquilani and T. Abbate. Int.
Journal of Digital Accounting Research 16:35-60.
- 2016. "Consumer attitude toward using smart shopping carts: A
comparative analysis of Italian and Croatian consumer attitudes " with
M. Matic, T. Abbate, D. Di Fatta. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing,
Vol.7, N.3, pp. 229-244.
- 2016. "Marketing Archetypes. Applying Jungian Psychology
to Marketing Research" with V. Tullio; M.Tani; G. Siino. Journal of
Organizational Transformation and Social Change. Vol. 13 No. 2,
- 2016. "Click and Drive: Consumer Attitude to Product
Development. Towards Future Transformations of the Driving Experience.
with Vasja Roblek, Tindara Abbate, and Mario Tani. Business Project
Management Journal 22(2): 420 - 434.
- 2015. "An empirical analysis of online price dispersion
in the Italian airline industry" with Roma P., Zambuto F., International
Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 6(4): 339-358
2015. "The drivers of
customer satisfaction for academic library services: managerial hints
from an empirical study on two Italian university libraries using the
Kano model" with Palumbo F. and Basile G.- International Journal of
Management in Education, 9(3): 276-289.
- 2015.
Book Review: Viable Systems Approach (VSA): Governing Business Dynamics
- International Journal of
Systems and Society 2(2): 88-95
- 2015.
The Relevance of Systemic Approaches in Business Sciences -
International Journal of Systems and Society 2(2): 96-97
- 2015.
The Incubation
Process for the Creation of Viable Firms: The Case of ARCA Consortium.
with Levanti G. International Journal of Markets and Business Systems
1(1) :
pp. pp.4 - 27 , DOI: 10.1504/IJMABS.2015.070262
2013. "Complexity
and Action: Reflections on Decision Making and Cybernetics".
Business Systems Review, 2(2): 38-47.
doi: 10.7350/BSR.V04.2013
2013. "Viable
Systems Approach and Consumer Culture Theory: A Conceptual Framework",
with Palumbo F. & Basile G. -
Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 10(3):
262-285. doi:
- 2013. "The
Drivers of Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry. Applying
the Kano Model to Sicilian Hotels", con Palumbo F.
International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 3(3): 215-236.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLTM.2013.052623
- 2013. "Book
Review. Organizational Systems: Managing Complexity with the Viable
System Model". Kybernetes, 42 (2): 340-348.
- 2012/2013. "Decoding
the Japanese Lean Production System according to a Viable Systems
Perspective", con Palumbo F. Systemic Practice and Action Research,
26(2): 153-171. doi: 10.1007/s11213-012-9242-z.
- 2012/2013. "How
to Build an E-Learning Product: Factors for Student/Customer
Satisfaction", conPalumbo F., Business Horizons, 56 (1): 87-96,
doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2012.09.011.
- 2012. "E-Business
Model: A Content Based Taxonomy of Literature". International
Journal of Management and Administrative Sciences. 1(7): 10-20.
- 2012. "Reframing
the Systemic Approach to Complex Organizations as Intangible
Portfolios". con Pitasi A. Nuova Atlantide 1: 33-52. doi:
- 2012. "The
holonic approach for flexible production: a theoretical framework",
Elixir Journal (online), 42: 6106-6110.
- 2011. "Consulting of the XXI Century. Coping with Complex Business
Systems", Nuova Atlantide, Vol. 3, pp. 69-77.
- 2011. "Game
Theory as a Marketing Tool: Uses and Limitations.", Elixir Journal
(online), 36: 3524-3528.
- 2011. "The
Complex System Theory for the Analysis of Inter-Firm Networks. A
Literature Overview and Theoretic Framework" con G. Levanti,
International Business Research, 4(2): 31-37. doi:10.5539/ibr.v4n2p31
- 2010. "Customer
Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry: A Case Study from Sicily" con
Rosa Guzzo, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(2): 3-12.
- 2010. "The
Holonic Production System: a Multi Agent Approach", con L.Cuccia ,
P.Argoneto, P. Renna, iBusiness, 2(3): 201-209. doi:
- 2009. "From
Marketing Mix to e-Marketing Mix: a literature overview and
classification ", International Journal of Business
Management, 4(9): 17-24.
- 2009. "Modelli
di e-business. Ontologia e tassonomica della ricerca", Annali della
Facoltà di Economia (ed. referata), N°. LXIII, pp. 33-66.
- 2008. “Holonic
Production System to obtain flexibility for Customer Satisfaction”,
Journal of Service Science and Management 1(3): 251-254. doi:
- 2008. “Facility
Management Pubblico: tre istituzioni siciliane a confronto”, con C.
Amenta e P. Di Betta .Management delle Utilities 1: 30-37.
- 2007. “L'effetto
Bullwhip nella Gestione della Supply Chain”, Annali della Facoltà di
Economia. Università di Palermo, N°. LXI, pp. 45-56
- 2024. Il Consumatore Umano. Le scienze del
comportamento per comprendere il consumatore. MCGraw Hill
- 2013. Innovazione e Imprenditorialità. Il ruolo degli spin-off
universitari. with Palumbo F.. Business Systems - Book Series -
USA: Amazon publishing
- 2009. From Business System to Supply chain and Production in Japan.
Lean Production and its roots in Japanese Business Culture.
Germany VDM Verlag.
- 2009. E-marketing. analisi dei cambiamenti dai modelli di business al
mix operativo. Italy, Milan: FrancoAngeli,
- 2009. Test multiple choice per l'esame di Marketing, Italy,
Bologna: Pitagora
- 2007. Lezioni di produzione snella per l'azienda,
Bologna: Pitagora
- 2006. Il Contesto Istituzionale Nipponico e l’Evoluzione della Lean
Production, Italy, Roma: Aracne
- 2002. Il ruolo degli investitori istituzionali nella formazione del
capitale di rischio delle piccole e medie imprese, Palermo(IT), Sao
Paolo (BR): IlaPalma
- 2002. Marketing della Pubblicità Televisiva., Palermo(IT), Sao
Paolo (BR): Ila Palma
Book Chapters:
2021. Mission Statements in Top Higher Education Institutions—What Do
They Have in Common?. with Luminita Nicoloescu In: Dima A.M., D'Ascenzo
F. (eds) Business Revolution in a Digital Era. Springer Proceedings in
Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.
2015. "A Complex Adaptive System Framework for Management and Marketing
Studies" with G. Basile, in Erçetin, Şefika
Şule (Ed.) Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2014, pp. 83-97, Springer.
2015. "A Holistic Approach to Comprehending the Complexity of the
Post-growth Era: The Emerging Profile" with V.
Roblek & R. Lombardi, in Erçetin, Şefika Şule (Ed.) Chaos, Complexity
and Leadership 2014, pp. 29-42, Springer.
- 2015. "Complexity Theory for a New
Managerial Paradigm: A Research Framework", with V. Roblek, In Vrdoljak
Raguž, I., Podrug, N., Jelenc, L. (Eds.) Neostrategic Management An
International Perspective on Trends and Challenges, pp. 223-241.
- 2014. "A
Holistic approach to the management of human consumption towards
an economics of well-being" with Vasja
Roblek, in Recent Advances in Urban Planning, Sustainable Development
and Green Energy, Mastorakis, N;Batzias, F; Guarnaccia, C (eds.), pp.
73-78, WSEAS.
- 2014.
"Unraveling the Complexity of Tourist Experience with NFC Technology and
Mobile Wallets" with Palumbo F., in Chaos, Complexity and Leadership
2013. pp 189-196 . Springer
- 2014. "Holonic
Production System" in M. Ruzzeddu (Ed.) Keywords of Systemic Vision, pp.
154-162, Lambert Verlag.
- 2014.
"Limits and Criticalities of Predictions and Forecasting in Complex
Social and Economic Scenarios: A Cybernetics Key" with
Palumbo F. in Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2013. pp 85-91 .
- 2014. "The Culture on the Palm of Your Hand: How to Design a User
Oriented Mobile App for Museums" con: Palumbo F & Basile G. in
Management of Cultural Products (Aiello L. Ed.), pp. 224-243. IGI
- 2014. "Cultural Product Management; from Environment to Territorial
Context: Configuration of the Main Relationships" with Ferri M.A. Basile
G. Aiello L. in Management of Cultural Products (Aiello L. Ed.),
pp. 22-40. IGI Global.
- 2012. "Sviluppare l'e-business". In The wide horizon strategy.
Pitasi A. (a cura di), pp. 91-93. Maggioli Editore.
- 2012. "A Viable System View of the Japanese Lean Production System" -
with Federica Palumbo, in The Next Global Scenarios, Affuso S.,
D'Alessandro S., Marini G. (a cura di) - pp. 193-209 - Roma, Aracne.
- 2009. "Approccio
Olonico e Sistema Logistico-Produttivo Aziendale per i Mercati del XXI
secolo". In: Guzzo G., Lipari C. (a cura di) Ripensare l'azienda.
Approcci generalisti e specialisti tra momenti, funzioni, settori.
pp. 139-160. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
- 2008. “Demand
Driven Supply Chain ed Innovazione: il sistema logisitico-produttivo per
la soddisfazione del cliente”, in A. Purpura e G. Fazio (a cura di), Economia e Gestione dell’Innovazione nelle PMI: Percorsi tematici ed
esperienze formative del Master EGI, pp. 100-114. Milano:
- 2007. “I
distretti industriali: l’impatto di Basilea 2 sulle PMI che operano in
filiera” in F. Faraci (a cura di) Nuovo Accordo sul Capitale
delle Banche e Riforma del Diritto Societario, pp. 278-318. Milano:
- 2006. “I livelli di sostenibilità delle istituzioni di microfinanza” in
M. La Torre (a cura di), Microcredito e obiettivi del millennio:
l'impegno del Comitato Italiano per l'Anno Internazionale del
Microcredito. pp. 208-210 Venezia: Marsilio.
- 2024. Preface. Great Reset—Opportunity or Threat?
Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium, Palermo, Italy,
2024, with Elena Madalina Vatamanescu. Springer Proceedings
Proceedings in Business and Economics, Springer - ISBN
- 2021. New Challenges for Sustainable Organizations in
Light of Agenda 2030 for Sustainability with Morea, D.; Gebennini, E.;
Mazzitelli, A.; Andreano, M.S.; Basile, G.; Sustainability 2021, 13,
- 2020.Editorial note for the special part of selected
papers for the BSLab Symposium 2019. Systems Research and Behavioral
Science 37(2): 373.
- 2018. Editorial , with Manlio Del
Giudice and Rosa Lombardi, Governing Business Systems Theories and
Challenges for Systems Thinking in Practice ,
Proceedings in Business and Economics, Springer - ISBN
- 2017. Editorial: Governing Business Systems. Theories
and Challenges for Systems Thinking in Practice,
Systems Research and Behavioral Science 34(3): 310–312
- 2016. Editorial: The relevance of a
better understanding of the online consumer behaviour. International
Journal of electronic Marketing and Retailing. 7(1): 1-2.
- 2015. Guest Editorial. Systems
Thinking and Sustainability in Organisations. Journal of Organisational
Transformation & Social Change, 12(1): 1-3
- 2015.
Guest editorial Preface - Special Issue on Managing Complex Business
Management systems:Revised Papers from the 2 B.S.Lab Symposium, Rome
2014 - International Journal of Systems and Society
2(2): vi-viii.
- 2014.
Systemic Approaches for Business Innovation and Sustainability.
Editorial Note to the Special Section for the 2nd B.S.Lab Symposium—Rome
2014. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 31(6): 680–682
- 2014. Editorial - Int. J. Electronic Marketing and Retailing, Vol. 6,
No. 1, 2014
- 2012. "Why
Does Systems Thinking Matter?". Editoriale. Business Systems
Review, 1 (1): 1-2. doi: 10.7350/bsr.a02.2012
- 2012. "The path of complexity science: from theory to managerial
practice- Editorial Note". Special Issue: Complexity Science in Business. Nuova Atlantide, 1: 17-20.
doi: 10.4399/97888548485133
- 2009. Prefazione al libro: "Internazionalizzazione d'impresa e
strategie di penetrazione dei mercati" A. Pizzuto, Boopen
Proceedings and other contributions:
2014. "Marketing as a
Luhmanian System", with
Pitasi. A & Mancini G. in Book of Abstracts - Proceedings of the
Business Systems Laboratory 3rd International Symposium “Advances in
Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach” pp. 371-372. ISBN:
2014. "Cybernetics
of Value Co-creation", with Espejo, R. in Book of Abstracts -
Proceedings of the Business Systems Laboratory 3rd International
Symposium “Advances in Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach”
pp.364-370. ISBN: 9788890824227
2013. "Il processo di incubazione per la creazione di imprese vitali. Il
caso del Consorzio ARCA", con F. Palumbo, G. Levanti, U. La Commare
in Referred Electronic Conference Proceeding, XXV Convegno annuale di
Sinergie "L’innovazione per la competitività delle imprese" ISBN
978-88-907394-3-9 24-25 - DOI 10.7433/SRECP.2013.34
2013. "Complexity and Action. A Cybernetics Perspective to Decision
Making - Plenary Lecture", in Recent Advances
in Business Management and Marketing - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
on Management, Marketing, Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer
Applications (MATREFC '13). Dubrovnik, Croatia June 25-27, 2013. WSEAS
Press (ISSN: 2227-460X - ISBN: 978-960-474-306-3). p.11.
2013. "Designing a Mobile App for Museums According to the Drivers of
Visitor Satisfaction" con Federica Palumbo e Gianpaolo Basile, in
Recent Advances in Business Management and Marketing - Proceedings of the 1st
International Conference on Management, Marketing, Tourism, Retail,
Finance and Computer Applications (MATREFC '13). Dubrovnik, Croatia June
25-27, 2013. WSEAS Press (ISSN: 2227-460X - ISBN: 978-960-474-306-3).
pp. 159-166.
2013. "University Incubator as Catalyst of Resources for Academic
Spin-Offs. The Case of ARCA Consortium" con Federica Palumbo, in
Recent Advances in Business Management and Marketing - Proceedings of
the 1st International Conference on Management, Marketing,
Tourism, Retail, Finance and Computer Applications (MATREFC '13).
Dubrovnik, Croatia June 25-27, 2013. WSEAS Press (ISSN: 2227-460X -
ISBN: 978-960-474-306-3). pp. 209-2018
2012. "La Customer Satisfaction dei Servizi Bibliotecari Universitari.
Uno Studio Empirico su Due Biblioteche Universitarie Italiane con il
Modello di Kano". con Palumbo F. e Basile G. Proceedings. IX Conferenza
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Italian: mother tongue
English: advanced
Spanish: intermediate
Japanese: basic